Let’s Do This

Ok, so I haven’t written in several months. I’ll let you know why.

I felt confused about what I wanted this blog to be. Do I want it to be an online diary? Do I want to start shooting content? Do I want to review make up and clothes? Do I actually want this blog to be something that I treat as a part-time job or do I want it to purely be a creative outlet?

That fact of the matter is, I didn’t know. And life kind of got in the way and I decided not to document it. But here I am again, back on the blog. I have attempted to tart a blog numerous times in the past and part of me always wondered “but what’s the point?”

Every time I make a blog post though, I feel a sense of achievement. I love writing. I love expressing my thoughts and I love beautiful photography. So I’ve decided to actually have a go at it now. Actually plan and produce content. Actually make consistent blog posts. I love reading blogs – I have been reading blogs for about 10 years now. It’s about time I tried to do my own because I just love the medium.

So, a reintroduction. Hi, my name is Jessica. I’m 24 years old from Sydney. What do I do with my days? Lots of things. I’m a lawyer. I am Vice-President of an oesophageal cancer charity, OCAGI (visit ocagi.org) that I co-founded with other members in 2012. I am Business Manager for my husband’s company (I juggle OCAGI and my business requirements with my full-time law job). I also freelance as a florist (another creative pursuit) and I assist my husband with another business, a wedding videography business that we are passionate about.

I recognise that I do a lot. It’s actually more than I ever expected I’d do at this age. But I am so incredibly happy with each facet of my life, that I can’t drop any of it. But that also means I am entirely reflective of how I utilise each hour of each day. Because I have never-ending to do lists, and sometimes, it’s just nice to lay pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) and just write away. Write down all my thoughts and connect with people all over the world, and learn.

So that’s a little bit about me. No doubt you’ll learn more about me as the blog posts roll out. I plan on writing a blog post each day. Most with beautiful photographical content. Who knows if this blog will take off. But I am going to treat it like my online diary and at least try.

Thanks for reading šŸ™‚

xoxo Jess

One thought on “Let’s Do This”

  1. Wow I’m extremely impressed at what you do!
    I’m 24 as well an haven’t accomplished nearly that much. So I have to say you are very inspiring.

    But I wanted to leave something here, I nominated your for a bloggers recognition award. I was just nominated for my first one so I’m probably to excited haha.
    Here are the rules as passed to me::
    If you want to (completely your choice) accept the award, here are the rules:
    1. You must write a post accepting this award
    2. Acknowledge the blogger that nominated you
    3. Briefly talk about how you got started blogging
    4. Give 2 pieces of advice for new bloggers
    5. Nominate 15 deserving bloggers!

    Also, not spam I promise šŸ™‚ take a look at my latest post if need be.
    Happy Blogging.


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